

As most of our church programs saw changes in 2020 so to did the office of Deacon. Although we haven’t been able to walk down the aisles on Sundays for collection or visit the same as we would like, it is clear that God has continued to bless our Congregation financially and with gifts of service and caring for one another. We again thank the congregation for helping us meet our financial obligations for 2020!


The deacons have continued to meet monthly with meetings starting with counting the previous months’ donations and tokens followed by a time of devotions and prayer. Generally we go over the next months’ offering list and discuss ways that we can help congregation and community members either in a servant or financial role. Prior to Christmas we deliver flowers and treat bags to many appreciative senior members and are able to have some good conversations.


We continue to receive correspondence from many worthy organizations asking for financial support or thanking us for the assistance they received from our Church. Over the next months we continue to look for new needs in our local church and community but we cannot do that on our own. We encourage anyone to pass along prayer requests and other needs so that we bring them to God in prayer and use our gifts for service in His Kingdom.